Gisimenti-Sonatube paved road (KG 597 ST 2)

Summary Profile

Trained in the Universities of Rwanda, Belgium, Switzerland and France, Dr. Janvier YUBAHWE is a consultant psychiatrist registered with the Rwanda Medical and Dental Council (RMDC). In addition to his qualification as psychiatrist Janvier also has a complementary specialized medical certificate in adult psychiatry, a post graduate diploma in addiction psychiatry, a certificate in brain stimulation therapy and a certificate in sexotherapy and is currently doing a fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Caen-Normandie in France.

With an overall experience of 13 years in the medical practice, Dr. Janvier Yubahwe’s current areas of interest are but not limited to adult psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, addiction psychiatry and Sexotherapy.

Janvier combines his clinical practice with the training of future psychiatrists and conducts consultations in Kinyarwanda, English, French and Swahili.

Dr. Janvier YUBAHWE


Kigali,Gasabo,Gisimenti KG597ST2
Phone: +250784280788
Email: info@kpmc.rw
